The Mountain Side Podcast Episodes:
#211 Brandon Young
Brandon Young - is a former US Army Ranger with four rotations to Afghanistan, principal at Applied Leadership Partners, and coauthor of Perseverance > Endurance. For over 25 years, he has built and led teams in the military, corporate healthcare, and nonprofit sectors. Brandon placed 3rd in the 2006 Best Ranger Competition, assessed, mentored, and trained over 1,000 Ranger leaders at the 75th Ranger Regiment, …more
#210 Jim Beauperez
Jim Beauperez - known as the “Buffalo Whisperer,” is a fourth-generation Colorado native and proud alumnus of the University of Colorado. Alongside his wife, Julie, owners and operator of Eagle’s Wing Ranch, located at an elevation of 8,200 feet near Routt National Forest. At Eagle’s Wing Ranch, Jim and Julie raise natural bison, providing high-quality, grass-fed meat from farm to table.…more