#145 - Cody Brundage - UFC Middleweight

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 Cody Brundage - UFC Middleweight, Factory X Fighter, & 2-time NACC National Qualifier Wrestler. Discover the inspiring journey of Cody Brundage in this engaging podcast. From overcoming challenges to pursuing his passion in the world of mixed martial arts, Cody shares insights, stories, and valuable lessons. Join us as we explore the mindset, determination, and dedication that define Cody’s path to success, both inside and outside the cage. Get ready for a compelling conversation that delves into the heart of resilience and achievement. For this episode, Cody Brundage joins Bobby Marshall in studio to discuss sports training, professional athletes, UFC, MMA, strength and conditioning, sportsmanship, influencers boxing, Factory X, family, Colorado, outdoor life, and much more. Please subscribe or like us on social media platforms for updates on shows, events, and episode drops.

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