#169 Daniel "Diamond Hands" Amesbury - Pro Hockey Enforcer & Boxer

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Daniel Amesbury - PRO Hockey Enforcer, Combat Sports Athlete & Boxer. Amesbury Haleing for Maple British Columbia, is a professional hockey player and boxer renowned for his role as an enforcer. He has played in various leagues, including the PIJHL, SPHL, and FPHL, with teams such as the Columbus Cottonmouths, Tulsa Oilers, Denver Cutthroats, Danbury Hat Tricks, and Fort Wayne Komets. Amesbury is also a prominent figure in Ice Wars, a combat sport where players fight in hockey gear. He won the inaugural event in 2022, earning the title "King of the Rink" 'Ice Wars' through the eyes of undefeated Daniel 'Diamond Hands' Amesbury. Off the ice, he is known for his leadership and protective nature, often described as a positive influence by his peers Hat Tricks Bad Boy NOT a Bad Guy - Danbury Hat Tricks Tune in as Daniel Amesbury joins Bobby Marshall in the studio to discuss, NHL, Hockey, fighting on ice, NHL enforcers, Scott Parker, Bob Probert, Colorado Avalanche, San Jose Sharks, Ice Wars, BC, Colorado, supporting veterans, outdoor life & much more. Please subscribe or like us on social media platforms for updates on shows, events, and episode drops.


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  • In the ever-evolving world of professional hockey, few figures stand out as vividly as Daniel "Diamond Hands" Amesbury. Known equally for his prowess on the ice and his profound journey off it, Amesbury's story is one of resilience, reinvention, and a relentless pursuit of passion. As a player who personifies the blend of old-school grit and contemporary perspective, Daniel has carved out a unique place in the hearts of hockey fans and beyond.

    Rising to Stardom in the "Always Hungry League"

    Amesbury's journey in professional hockey began years before he became a household name. He started as a young man yearning to make his mark, often resorting to fights as a means to secure his place on the team. This tough mindset, cultivated on the icy rinks of Canada, proved to be both a challenge and an opportunity.

    "I started fighting because I wanted to make the team," Amesbury recalls. "It was a way to stand out, to be noticed. But over time, it became more than that. It became part of who I am as a player."

    After a significant stint with the Fort Wayne Komets, where he regularly thrilled crowds with his aggressive style of play, Amesbury realized that his true journey was far from over. He wanted to push further, to test his limits and redefine his game.

    The Transition to Ice Wars

    One of the most intriguing chapters in Amesbury's career came with his participation in Ice Wars, a bare-knuckle boxing tournament on ice. This unique convergence of his ice skating skills and fighting prowess catapulted him to new heights.

    "Ice Wars was the thing that really shook me up enough to get me out of where I was," says Amesbury. "The training camp, the early mornings, the workouts— it all got me into this mode where I felt invincible."

    His success at Ice Wars wasn’t just a personal triumph. It also proved to be a pivotal moment that opened doors to new opportunities, reinvigorated his career, and introduced Diamond Hands to a broader audience. With marshaling support from fans and fellow athletes alike, Amesbury cemented his place as a multifaceted fighter and a dedicated athlete.

    Life Off the Ice: A Personal Evolution

    But Amesbury's story isn't solely about fights and hockey highlights. Perhaps more compelling is his transformation outside the rink. A deeply personal moment came when Amesbury found out he was going to be a father, a revelation that compelled him to re-evaluate his priorities and direction.

    "I needed to figure my life out immediately. I had to make some significant changes and fast," Amesbury explains. "There were people in my life that I loved but had to step away from. I had to start fresh, focusing on my future and my family."

    A part of this transformation included seeking emotional and spiritual rehabilitation through plant medicine ceremonies, such as ayahuasca and mushroom ceremonies. These profoundly altered his perception of life and helped him become more centered and connected to himself.

    "The ceremony work really allowed me to confront things I was avoiding. It made me realize that happiness isn't about attaining something external; it's about being present and finding joy within."

    Bridging the Gap: Connecting the Ice and the Soul

    One of the most fascinating aspects of Amesbury's journey is how he blends the aggressive, combative aspect of hockey with a deeply spiritual and introspective personal life. Though the dichotomy might seem stark, it's a balance that Amesbury navigates with an acute sense of purpose.

    "People might see me on the ice and think I'm just a madman, but there’s more to it," Amesbury clarifies. "It's about knowing that I can be both. I can be the guy who's ready to fight and, at the same time, be someone who contributes positively to my community."

    Indeed, Amesbury's commitment to community work and helping those around him only serves to underline his multifaceted character. His endeavors both in and out of the rink make him not just a compelling athlete but an inspirational figure whose journey continues to resonate with many.

    The Road Ahead

    As Amesbury looks to the future, his enthusiasm remains undiminished. His next ventures in boxing, his continuous play in professional hockey, and his ongoing personal journey promise to be as exciting and impactful as his past chapters.

    "My goal now is to make it to the AHL," he proclaims, eyes set firmly on the horizon. "I always have short-term and long-term goals, and right now, that is what I'm aiming for. Colorado Eagles would be a dream."

    For fans and followers of Daniel Amesbury, his journey is more than just a series of games and fights; it’s a testament to the power of resilience, the value of community, and the perpetual quest for self-betterment. Whether he’s on the ice throwing punches or off the ice finding peace within himself, Diamond Hands continues to inspire and captivate, one journey at a time.

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