#182 Robbie Kroger - Blood Origins

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Robbie Kroger is the founder of Blood Origins, a non-profit organization dedicated to wildlife conservation and promoting the heritage of hunting. With a Ph.D. in biology and a passion for the outdoors, Kroger has focused his career on educating people about the importance of hunting as a conservation tool.

As an award-winning filmmaker and director, Kroger uses storytelling to shed light on the deep connections between hunters and nature, often sharing the untold stories of conservation efforts worldwide. Through Blood Origins, he highlights the positive impacts hunters have on ecosystems, dispelling misconceptions about the hunting community. His work is a testament to the value of responsible stewardship of the environment and wildlife preservation.

Kroger’s passion for wildlife and ethical hunting has earned him recognition as a key advocate for bridging the gap between hunters and non-hunters, fostering understanding and collaboration for global conservation efforts. Robbie Kroger joins Bobby Marshall in Studio to discuss, Conservation, Wildlife, Biology, Politics, Advocacy, Hunting, Archery, Trudistion, Outdoor life & much more. Please subscribe or like us on social media platforms for updates on shows, events, and episode drops.

  • Welcome to another enriching episode of The Mountain Side Podcast. In this session, we are honored to have Robbie Kroger, the founder, and creator of Blood Origins, join us in the studio. Robbie’s extensive work in raising awareness about conservation, the importance of hunting, and indigenous voices is unmatched. His dedication to storytelling through filmmaking demonstrates his artistic prowess, but above all, his genuine humanity shines through every project.

    An Inspiring Presence

    Robbie Kroger is a name that has been on my shortlist since the podcast's inception. His contributions to the global conversation on conservation are not just remarkable; they are vital. Growing up in a family of hunters, I have learned so much from Robbie's endeavors, from his stories of indigenous hunters in South Africa to his in-depth portrayal of conservation issues worldwide. Robbie’s way of capturing these narratives in such a compelling manner makes these stories accessible to all, even to those who have never hunted a day in their life.

    The Heart of the Conversation

    The discussion kicks off with Robbie sharing how he is always humbled to be invited to any podcast, regardless of the audience size. He emphasizes the importance of taking every opportunity to share the love and respect for hunting, explaining how each conversation can plant a seed in someone's mind.

    Robbie elaborates on his role as a storyteller, stating, "My job is to make you see things, experience things that you may never have thought of from a hunting activity perspective.” Whether you resonate with all stories or just a few, the key takeaway is that storytelling can truly humanize and bring new understanding to the hunting world.

    The Debut of Lionheart

    One of Robbie’s latest projects, "Lionheart," is a beautifully crafted film intended to explain the most misunderstood aspect of hunting—predator hunting with hounds. He details the extensive effort and care that goes into such hunts and reflects on how the film showcases the day-to-day life of a houndsman.

    Robbie points out the unique aspect of "Lionheart," sharing how it portrays a 24-hour period of a lion hunt, highlighting the intricate relationship between houndsmen and their dogs. With scenes capturing everything from snow-trekking conditions to early morning preparations, the film is a visual masterpiece designed to shift the viewer's perception.

    Transparency in Storytelling

    The podcast also delves into the levity of cutting scenes. One particular segment involving the lifecycle of hounds—complete with poignant moments of birth and death—was left out after internal debate about ending the film on a sad note. However, these omitted elements underscore the seriousness and dedication of the hunting lifestyle.

    Facing Challenges and Controversies

    Robbie touches on the challenges faced due to ballot initiatives aimed at banning specific hunting activities. He highlights the critical timing and the incredible dedication required to create awareness and defend hunting rights against misconceptions and legislative actions.

    Connecting with the Community

    The conversation smoothly transitions into the cultural clash within communities like Evergreen, where the traditional hunting lifestyle is met with modern, liberal perspectives. This discord mirrors the larger, ongoing debates on hunting, conservation, and animal rights. Yet, Robby, along with other passionate advocates like Dan Gates, works tirelessly to bridge these gaps.

    How Hunting Funds Conservation

    An essential segment of the discussion brings to light how hunting and fishing fund substantial portions of wildlife conservation efforts. With examples spanning from Colorado to South Africa, the podcast makes a strong case for the economic and ecological benefits derived from ethical hunting practices.

    The Future: Long-Term Vision

    Robbie emphasizes the need for long-term strategies to safeguard hunting as we know it. Whether it's changing ballot initiative processes or creating compelling content to shift public perception, the goal is to ensure that future generations can also cherish the same experiences.

    Support and View "Lionheart"

    Robbie invites listeners to watch "Lionheart," encouraging them to share it widely, especially with those who do not hunt. The hope is that through this film, more people will gain a better understanding and respect for the hunting community.

    Join the Movement

    To support Blood Origins and Robbie Kroger’s incredible work, consider donating or joining the conservation club. Your contributions help create more stories that educate and inspire, driving positive change in wildlife conservation.



    Thank you for tuning into this special episode of The Mountain Side and for supporting the meaningful work being done to promote conservation and ethical hunting.


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