#176 Jermaine Hodge - World Elk Calling Champion

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Jermaine Hodge - World Elk Calling Champion, US Army Combat Medic Veteran, Team USA Wrestling Alumnus & USA Wrestling Coach. Jermaine is a multifaceted sportsman and serviceman known for his remarkable achievements in various fields. As a World Elk Calling Champion, he has demonstrated his exceptional skills in wildlife calls, earning widespread recognition in the hunting community. Beyond his hunting prowess, Jermaine serves as a Combat Medic in the U.S. Army, where his dedication and bravery contribute to saving lives on the battlefield. Additionally, his athletic talents shine through as a Team USA Wrestler, showcasing his strength and determination on the mat. An avid bowhunter, Jermaine embodies the spirit of adventure and excellence in all his endeavors. Tune in as Jermaine Hodge joins Bobby Marshall in studio to discuss hunting, elk, elk calling, bow-hunting tactics, wildlife, outdoor life, archery and much more. Please subscribe or like us on social media platforms for updates on shows, events, and episode drops.

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  • In this episode of the Mountain Side Podcast, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Jermaine Hodge, a world champion elk caller, U.S. Army veteran, and avid outdoorsman. Throughout the conversation, Jermaine shared his vast knowledge and experience in elk calling, providing invaluable tips for both beginners and seasoned hunters alike.

    The Basics of Elk Calling Jermaine began by emphasizing the importance of mastering the basics of elk calling. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced caller, understanding the fundamental sounds and their purposes in elk communication is crucial.

    1. Cow Sounds: - Calf Sound: A shorter, higher-pitched call that mimics a young calf. - Mature Cow Sound: A more elongated, mature tone. - Estrus Scream: A specific call indicating a cow in heat, often used to attract bulls during the rut.

    2. Bull Sounds: - Location Bugle: A long call used to locate other elk. It’s essentially an elongated cow sound amplified through a tube to carry the sound further. - Chuckle: A series of short, rhythmic sounds indicating an aggressive bull. - Grunt: Similar to a chuckle but more elongated, often indicating a bull with cows.

    Practical Tips for Elk Calling Jermaine shed light on practical strategies for effective elk calling, stressing the importance of being able to read the situation and adapt accordingly.

    1. Gauge the Bull's Response: Monitor how the bull responds to your calls. If he answers to a location bugle, stick with it until you notice a change in his tone or behavior. Read his temperature to decide on your next move.

    2. Mimic a Herd: During the height of the rut, mimicking a herd can be highly effective. Mixing in cow and calf sounds, along with occasional bull bugles, can create the illusion of a real herd and entice bulls to investigate.

    3. Move and Adapt: Don't be afraid to move closer or reposition if necessary. Elk are smart and will often try to sniff out your location if they suspect danger. Stay mobile and adapt to their movements. ## Using the Right Equipment Jermaine highlighted the importance of using quality equipment and finding what suits you best. He recommends Phelps Game Calls, noting their consistency and superior sound quality. His go-to calls include: - Phelps Diaphragm Calls: Great for hands-free calling and producing a wide range of sounds. - Phelps Easy Sucker: Perfect for those who find diaphragm calls challenging, this call allows you to create cow and calf sounds by simply sucking in air. - Open Reeds: Excellent for producing raspy, realistic cow sounds. ## Seasoned Strategy: Breakdown of September According to Jermaine, understanding the different phases of the elk rut during September can significantly enhance your hunting effectiveness. Here’s his breakdown:

    1. Early September (2nd - 10th): Focus more on bull sounds. Bulls are more aggressive and responsive to calls as they develop their pecking order. 2.

    Mid-September (10th - 17th): A mix of cow and bull sounds. The rut is kicking into full gear, and bulls are beginning to gather cows. 3. Late

    September to Mid-October: Emphasize cow sounds. Bulls have established harems and are more likely to respond to cow calls rather than aggressive bugles.

    Advanced Techniques For those looking to up their game, Jermaine shared some advanced techniques:

    1. Taking the Bull’s Temperature: Pay attention to the bull’s tone and response. If he starts getting more aggressive, it means you are getting closer and he is becoming more territorial.

    2. Kill them with Curiosity: Sometimes going radio silent after initial calls can pique a bull's curiosity and draw him in closer to investigate.

    3. Partner Dynamics: If hunting with a partner, use the "caller and shooter" setup. The caller should stay behind the shooter by 70 yards (if visibility allows), and adjust based on the bull’s movements to lure him into the shooter’s range.

    Training and Improvement Jermaine encouraged hunters to consistently practice and record their calls to refine their skills. He also emphasized the importance of being well-rounded, from fitness to shooting accuracy, to enhance overall hunting success.

    Conclusion Jermaine Hodge’s expertise and passion for elk calling offer a wealth of knowledge for hunters of all levels. By mastering the basics, using quality equipment, understanding elk behavior, and refining advanced techniques, you can dramatically increase your chances of success in the field. For more in-depth tips and live demonstrations, check out Jermaine’s YouTube seminars available under his channel, Colorado High Altitude Hunters, and follow his journey on Instagram and Facebook. You can also catch his episodes and hunting adventures on the Phelps Game Calls YouTube channel. Happy hunting!


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