#142 Ryan Maguire - World Record Holder

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Ryan Maguire -is an extreme athlete and ancestral skills instructor, focused on living and thriving in the outdoors. Ryan is well-versed in survival skills and extreme outdoor living, having experienced living in every climate type of North America. Constantly pushing physical and psychological boundaries, Ryan has traveled long-distance, remote wilderness trips barefoot through every type of terrain, including snowy glaciers. He is a hybrid athlete that competes on the national stage, while also making time to frequently undertake ultra-distance solo trips, consistently spending consecutive long days running with minimal gear, food, and water. Ryan's escapades have led him to live in rocky mountain caves during the Winter, desert canyons in the Summer, and everywhere in between. Ryan is the host of the podcast "Who the WYLD Things Are" and owns the outdoor adventure company @WYLD_RYDE_OUTDOORS. Tune in as Ryan Maguire joins Bobby Marshall in studio to discuss wilderness survival, bushcraft, Colorado, life lessons, wildfires, obstacle course racing, life lessons, mountain life, and so much more. Please subscribe or like us on social media platforms for updates on shows, events, and episode drops.

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  • In today's podcast session, we dive deep with Ryan Maguire, a man known for his boundless spirit of adventure. But Ryan's spirit is not just confined to breaking world records or showcasing his high endurance skills. Indeed, what stands out more is his profound connection with nature and the primitive world.

    Defining Ryan Maguire

    On foundations, our first touchpoint was about Ryan, a man of many hats. He is a podcast host, a Guinness Book of World Record Holder, and an instructor of everything 'outdoor.' More so, Ryan has proven his mettle as a primitive survival expert and a potent endurance athlete. But an array of titles and achievements are not what define him.

    Ryan identifies himself primarily as an engaging person who finds solace in nature. He finds joy in conversing about his expanded experiences and sharing his insights, hoping they might inspire others and perhaps it’s this nature-rooted attitude that keeps pushing him – from building a high-end studio for his podcast to breaking world records on an assault bike, Ryan has done it all.

    The Primitive Connection

    His sense of primitive connection was prominent in our discussions. Often venturing into the woods with minimal equipment, sometimes even barefoot, Ryan's love for deconstructing complexities is palpable. He steers his conversations around traditional hunting, native culture, outdoors, and every little detail that involves connecting to primitive cultures.

    From embracing discomfort during ultra races to employing stone tools to process wildgame, Ryan's experiences speak volumes about his affinity for going back to nature's roots. It is about extracting more than just physical satisfaction - it gives him mental gratification, instills an appreciation for life resources, and lets him lead an authentic life.

    The Power of Adventure and Endurance

    Our conversation with Ryan revealed the thrilling side of endurance. We journey through his preparation sessions for a 100 miler, his gruelling 24-hour assault bike challenge, and his adventures in the wild. The world of endurance is an uncharted territory for many. Still, Ryan decodes it through his experience – portraying it as a spirit that transcends pain and adversity, eventually manifesting itself into an inexplicable joy.

    In a way, it prepares the ground for adventure – the kind that is driven both by thrill and respect for nature's rhythm, one that takes you to the pinnacle of human strength and resilience, like the demanding adventures of ultra-running, archery or primitive hunting.

    Insightful Discussions

    As we explored Ryan's experiences and philosophies, we also engaged in insightful discussions. Fitness goals, diet, and their impacts on mental discipline, perspectives on modern medicine versus holistic approaches, and the importance of sourcing food organically were amongst the key discussion points.

    Our talk with Ryan was a journey – a glorious ride through unfiltered conversations and profound narratives emanating from his unique life. The shared wisdom and learning were indeed palpable. Yet, what was even more remarkable was the essence of human spirit mirrored in Ryan Maguire – an essence rooted deeply in a primitive connection.

    In conclusion, we got a profound perspective of humanity's primitive connection in our conversation with Ryan Maguire, including his immersive experiences in nature and his feats of endurance. His story serves as a testament to following one's passion, preserving nature, and finding joy in life's simple pleasures.

Important Links


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#141 Ben Davis - Veteran’s Outdoor Advocacy Group